• Mar 7, 2025
  • News

Trading Schedule Changes due to DST

Trading session times will change in March as countries move to daylight savings (DST) and turn clocks one hour ahead.

On March 9, the US switches to the summer time. Trading session times will be moved back by one hour from MT time for the following instruments:

US Stocks, XTIUSD, XBRUSD, XNGUSD, XAUUSD, XAGUSD, XAUGBP, XAUEUR, XAUAUD, XAGEUR, Platinum, Palladium, AU200, US100, US30, US500, JP225, HK50.

Also, Forex currency pairs will be closed one hour earlier, at 23:00 (MT time), on March 14, March 21, and March 28.

On March 30, Europe also enters the summer time, so trading sessions for the following instruments will move forward by one hour:

US Stocks, XTIUSD, XBRUSD, XNGUSD, XAUUSD, XAGUSD, XAUGBP, XAUEUR, XAUAUD, XAGEUR, Platinum, Palladium, AU200, US100, US30, US500, JP225, HK50.

Please pay attention to these changes when planning your trades.

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